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(3 edits)

this looks stunning can't wait to play it! cheers

A fun but challenging survival horror game with a nice unique look 5 out of 5

Thank you so much!

Deleted 3 years ago

Press E to interact with things when you get the prompt.

Use the number keys to access items in your inventory. If the object appears in the characters hands you need to additionally press space to use the object.

Deleted 3 years ago

I thought this was gonna be a really cool game, and it was for a little bit. But some of those enemies just suck the fun right out of it. I spent a good 30min trying to get past that room with the shithead that attacks from the ceiling and had to just give up because it ate up all of my health and then there were MORE enemies waiting to bum rush me on the other side of the door. The combat is so unreliable too so you just die and die and die and die. Maybe some people will like relentless shit like this, but fuck no. Not me. Sorry. It looks cool at least.

Sorry that it wasnt to your tastes!

It doesn't run for me either, not even in the itchio app. Please do something ai wan plei geim :(

Hi there! Thats concerning. Ill export a version of the game that has an installer and maybe that will work better for you, ill drop it as a google drive link here

Hi! One or both of these two links should work.

I just straight up can't launch the game for some reason? Shame since i've been looking forward to it for a long time now

Hi there! Thats concerning. Ill export a version of the game that has an installer and maybe that will work better for you, ill drop it as a google drive link here


Hi! One or both of these two links should work. Unless you're on mac.

Thanks! It works now.

Too many things are alive in this game.

Its Perfect

Haha! thank you!